So how long does an electric scooter last on one charge? ANSWERED

Unleashing the Power: Understanding Electric Scooter Range and Battery Life Greetings, dear readers, and let’s embark on a journey into the heart of electric mobility – the range and battery life of our trusty scooters. Just as any adventurer needs to know their limits, understanding how long an electric scooter …

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10 Common Electric Scooter Problems And Solutions

Decoding the Symphony of Electric Scooter Quirks: Common Issues and Solutions Greetings, dear readers, and let’s embark on a troubleshooter’s journey through the common hiccups that may occasionally grace our trusty electric scooters. Just as any companion on wheels, these scooters may present their quirks, but fear not – armed …

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Taking Out Your Electric Scooter in Light Rain

Navigating the Drizzle: Riding Electric Scooters in Light Rain Greetings, dear readers, and let’s embark on a practical exploration into a common question that often arises for electric scooter enthusiasts – can you ride your trusty electric steed in the gentle embrace of light rain? As we navigate this wet …

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Can Disabled People Live On Their Own (You Can!)

Living with a disability in the UK poses unique challenges that others may not fully understand. Tasks that most people take for granted, such as getting out of bed and getting dressed, require careful consideration and planning for individuals with disabilities. Whether the disability is congenital or developed later in …

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Why Do Elderly Talk About the Past?

One common theme that I have noticed is that many seniors tend to talk about their past. This can be anything from their childhood memories to their experiences during wartime. While some people may find this behavior repetitive or even annoying, it is important to understand that there are many …

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Why Do The Elderly Dribble?

Dribbling, or the involuntary loss of saliva from the mouth, is a common problem among the elderly. There are several reasons why this may occur, and it is important to understand these causes in order to properly address and manage the issue. One of the main reasons for dribbling in …

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Why Do Elderly People’s Eye Colour Change?

As we age, our bodies undergo a number of changes that can affect our appearance and physical abilities. One of these changes is a shift in the color of our eyes, which can be alarming and confusing for older people and their loved ones. In this blog, we will explore …

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Why Do Elderly Take Small Steps

As we age, our bodies undergo a number of changes that can affect our ability to move around and perform everyday tasks. One of these changes is a tendency to take smaller steps, which can be frustrating and limiting for older people. In this blog, we will explore some of …

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Why Do Elderly People Get So Cold?

There are a few reasons why elderly people may feel colder than younger people. One reason is that the body’s ability to regulate its own temperature decreases with age. As we get older, our metabolism slows down and our body’s ability to produce heat decreases. This means that older people …

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Pride Go Go Mobility Scooter Troubleshooting

Pride is one of the most reputable mobility scooter brands in the world. But of course, there are things that can go wrong.  I know that you rely on your mobility scooter to get you from A to B so it’s important to familiarise yourself with common problems, what to …

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